So now for a few photos:
Waiting for the rest of the girls to show up at the airport. And thus begins my sojourn in Europe in Athens, Greece.
The Acropolis----this is the view walking up to it. This is also where Paul taught on Mars Hill. I tried to bring a rock back with me, but I couldn't find a pretty one, so I left them all there.
There was rubble like this all over the Acropolis, just piled up as if it were normal to see column capitals and marble everywhere.
Amidst all of the rubble were red poppies. I guess poppies are weeds over there because they were everywhere. Something I learned was that dried poppies are purple and not red. Pretty cool though.
Just a few of the breathtaking views from the Acropolis down into the city Athens.
Oh and who could forget the lovely Best Western Hotel that we stayed in. I wish I had a picture of the bathroom---it really gave new meaning to the term "water closet."
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