
Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm A Mix

Thanks Honey, that was fun!

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are part Jasmine. You are loyal and would visit the ends of the earth for what you believe. You would never let obstacles stand in the way of true love.

You are part Ariel. You are beautiful but impaired. At times you are naive. Still, your innocence and good heart make you sought after and loved.

Find Your Character @


Honey said...

I didn't know you could be a mix - neato! Thanks for playing! Love you!

Topsy said...


For so very very very very very long, we've been desperate, longing, wondering what on earth our sweet sister is doing in BYU!!! Who she is dating? Dare I say kissing?? And what on earth keeps her so busy that she never ever ever ever calls, nor writes, nor emails, nor blogs, NOTHING!!!

I cannot believe my eyes! What a blessing has come upon our hearts and our homes. To see that in fact you are still alive!!! Oh happy day! To what do we owe this great and marvelous honor, this miracle that has fallen on our laps, this amazing spectacle of reunit-tion! That's a word GOSH DARN IT!!!!

Love ya

Oh crap, I didn't even read your post. Now I've got to go back and read it. It BETTER BE GOOD!!!!